FFmpeg command for x264 and x265 video (BETA)

please use the controls below to generate the ffmpeg command


This tool is a work in progress. The goal is a basic command generator that will at least build most of the command you want to give to FFmpeg. It may also be useful for noobs who want to see an example of what these commands should look like.

FFmpeg is so flexible and extensive that no generator like this could possibly cover all options.


This generator is still in development, though it should at least be useful for getting a your general FFmpeg command ready. Copy it and make adjustments as you see fit.

As with any command you get from the internet, check it before you run it.

This tools is provided as-is without any guarantee or warranty.

Double-check Wikipedia’s list of video container formats and which codecs they support, or you’ll run into problems.

Option details

Input Filename
The full input filename of the source video. Can probably be relative or absolute, depending on your OS.
Video Codec
Select the video codec you want to use to convert this video: x264 or x265.
CRF value
The constant quality value for the video encoding. See x264 quality settings or x265 quality settings if you're not sure.
Frame Rate
Optional. If you choose a frame rate, the tool will add an opinionated set of parameters for that codec which the author of this tool believes is a good setting for this codec and frame rate.
Audio Codec
Choose the audio codec you want to use, or choose to just stream-copy the existing audio track. Fraunhofer codecs are not available by default in FFmpeg; you have to build them yourself. Only choose those if you have an installation of FFmpeg you built yourself with FDK-AAC included.
Audio Bitrate
The bitrate for audio encoding. This is skipped if you choose copy or either PCM option.
Output File Basename
The output filename without the extension. You can probably use relative or absolute paths depending on your OS.
Output Container
The container (and therefore extension) of the final output file.